
Cultural Protection Fund (CPF) Evaluation

Country level evaluation of the Cultural Protection Fund

The Cultural Protection Fund is a £30m fund managed by the British Council in partnership with the UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) which funded 51 projects between 2016 and 2020 across 12 territories in and around the Middle East and North Africa region.

The evaluation involved a research-led systematic evaluation of the UK’s Cultural Protection Fund (CPF) at a country level in four selected territories; Egypt, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Lebanon and Turkey.

The aim was to explore the possible impact that clusters of CPF projects have had in the countries where they operate.

This project entailed a comprehensive data collection strategy, four situational country overviews and an overall report on the impact of the programme in the four territories.

The reports provide evidence of the systemic impact CPF had in the target countries and a comprehensive comparison of CPF and other similar funds operating in the region. Best practice case studies were also developed for each country to illustrate the systemic impact projects had in the country.


Findings from the evaluation:

CPF report.

More about CPF:

The Value of Soft Power & Cultural Approaches to International Heritage Protection | USC Center on Public Diplomacy (uscpublicdiplomacy.org)

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