Meet our Leadership Team

Kieron Culligan
Kieron is Manging Director of Impact Stories.
Kieron is a highly experienced research, insight and evaluation professional. He has an extensive track record of thought leadership and delivery of actionable insight and evaluation to organisations in the UK and internationally.
He is is an innovator in research and data analysis techniques and a leading expert in ‘data bricolage’, the art of deriving insight and building compelling, business-relevant stories from diverse sources of data and evidence, both quantitative and qualitative.
Kieron has worked in senior positions on both agency and client side. He was previously EMEA Insight Manager at technology leader HP based in Germany, Research Director at global research leader Ipsos and Interim Head of Performance Measurement at the British Council. Kieron holds a MA in Engineering, Economics and Management from Oxford University and a MSc in Strategic Marketing from Manchester University.
In the private sector Kieron he has worked for clients ranging from Apple to Zurich Insurance by way of Tesco, RAC, Royal Bank of Scotland, Microsoft, Manchester Utd and Sony.
In the government and not-for-profit sector he has worked for the GREAT Campaign, the National Audit Office, the Independent Schools Council, the British Council, Arts Council England and various individual universities and schools in the UK and internationally.
He has researched and written extensively around Cultural Relations and Soft Power.
His project work has spanned many countries including UK, Europe, India and China.
Kieron’s published work includes contribution to reports on the evaluation of the Mandarin Excellence Programme (MEP), Trust Pays and the Value of International Education.

Jane Robinson
Research Director
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Jane is highly experienced research and insight consultant specialising in Education, Culture, Reputation and Retail research.
She has worked with clients including, the Independent Schools Council (ISC), Empiric Student Property (ESP), John Lewis, IKEA, M&S, the British Council, Arts Council England and many individual schools, universities, embassies and cultural institutions.
She has led a wide range of research and strategic consultancy projects including market sizing, market trends analysis, reputation and brand tracking, path-to-purchase, new product development and customer segmentation.
Jane has a specialism in qualitative research and has undertaken stakeholder consultations with senior audiences including politicians, journalists, advocacy groups and public sector organisations to provide evidence to support future engagement and communication strategies.
She also contributes research and insight to a wide range of evaluation projects spanning the Arts, Culture and Education sectors.
Jane was previously an Associate Director at leading agencies Ipsos and Populus (Yonder). She has a degree in History and History of Art from Bristol University and holds a Diploma in Principles of Market Research from the UK MRS.

Sumit Baral
Associate Consultant
Sumit brings extensive experience in programme management, research, analysis and Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning.
Sumit has over twenty years of experience working across the value chain in international development and has in-depth understanding of the development operations of governments, I/NGOs, donors and the corporate sector.
Sumit is also a highly regarded expert in sustainable tourism development as a driver of economic and social change. He was instrumental in developing the Great Himalaya Trails as a sustainable tourism project for Nepal.
He works with the World Bank Group/IFC Investment Climate Reform Programme in Nepal and consults across the South and East Asia regions including working on recent tourism development projects in Laos and Cambodia.
Other clients include Samarth-NMDP, Tourism Development International Ireland (TDI), OC Global (Japan) and Netherlands-based global development partner SNV and the British Council.
Sumit has contributed to several international publications on tourism, trade and environment issues.
He holds an MBA from Tribhuvan University, Nepal with a specialisation in Marketing Research and Research methodology.

Mark Speed
Associate Consultant
Mark is a highly respected research and insight professional with over three decades of qualitative and quantitative research experience in the UK and globally.
He is a fellow of the Market Research Society and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and is heavily involved in the future development and policy context for market research as a discipline and profession. He continues to explore and embrace new techniques in both research disciplines.
Mark was formally a partner at Ipsos Mori and Joint Managing Director of IFF Research. He was also Founder and Managing Consultant of xSpeediency Limited.
Mark has worked for numerous FTSE 100 companies and for large private and public organisations internationally. His specialisms include branding, marketing, employee and communications research.
He has undertaken complex projects in the public sector in the UK and recently led a large pan-African research project focused on gender empowerment.
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We are committed to high professional and ethical standards as set out in the Market Research Society (MRS) Code of Conduct & data protection legislation. As a Company Partner of the UK Market Research Society, our research fully complies with their Code of Conduct.
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