
The Mandarin Excellence Programme (MEP) Evaluation

Evaluation reports, webinar presentations and analysis findings

The Mandarin Excellence programme (MEP) is a high-profile programme funded by the DfE designed to boost the teaching and learning of Mandarin Chinese in state secondary schools in England. The programme aims to develop a cohort of children in England on the path to fluency in Mandarin, a language skill which will support individual employability and the UK’s economic competitiveness in the globalised world of the 21st Century.


Over several years we have worked closely with the MEP delivery partners UCL IOE and the British Council to deliver insight and evaluation supporting the effectiveness of the programme and evidencing its success.


The project has required formative and summative evaluation approaches and a mixed-mode research methodology. We have collected primary data through school visits and classroom observation, pupil focus groups, in-depth interviews with programme leaders, teaching staff and stakeholders and via online surveys distributed to staff and pupils.


Working alongside analysts from the DfE we have also analysed secondary programme data, GCSE outcomes data and pupil characteristics within the National Pupil Database (NPD). We have undertaken multivariate analysis to evidence the unique contribution of participation in MEP to GCSE attainment in Mandarin Chinese.



Watch the presentation of latest evaluation findings for MEP:

Mandarin Excellence Programme – Latest evaluation results | British Council

More about MEP:

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